investment viewpoints
Ein Jahr Jubiläum LO Funds-Natural Capital

Gut zu wissen
Es lohnt sich, einige Entstehungsgeschichten wiederholt zu erzählen ‒ Geschichten aus dem Leben und der Investmentbranche. Das erste Jahr unseres Natural Capital Fonds gehört dazu.
Der Fonds wurde im November 2020 lanciert und hat sich bestens entwickelt: Mit einem Vermögen von nahezu USD 900 Mio. erzielte er eine Rendite von 36,2% im Vergleich zu den 29,5%1 seiner Benchmark. Damit bestätigte er schon früh unsere Philosophie und unser Konzept der Investition in Unternehmen, welche die regenerative Kraft der Natur erhalten und nutzen.
Die Natur steht im Mittelpunkt der Wirtschaft – und unseres Portfolios
Mehr als 50% der Weltwirtschaft hängen mässig bis stark von der Natur ab. Sie ist der weltweit produktivste Vermögenswert. Aufgrund des dominanten linearen und verschwenderischen Wirtschaftsmodells wird sie jedoch ausgebeutet und unterschätzt.
Unseres Erachtens sind wir dabei, auf eine CLIC™-Wirtschaft umzustellen, die kreislauforientiert (Circular), produktivitätssteigernd (Lean), integrativ (Inclusive) und sauber (Clean) ist. Unternehmen an der Spitze dieses Wandels dürften florieren, weil die politischen, Markt- und technologischen Kräfte nachhaltige Unternehmen belohnen. Unser Natural Capital Fonds fokussiert auf mehrere Themen: Bioökonomie, Ressourceneffizienz, Null-Abfall und ergebnisorientierte Wirtschaft.
Führend in Naturkapitalanlagen
Die Lancierung des Natural Capital Fonds war für LOIM eine logische Entscheidung. Als Gründungsmitglied der Natural Capital Investment Alliance und Mitglied der Sustainable Markets Initiative sind wir überzeugt, dass mehr Anlagen in Naturkapital einen vereinfachten Zugang zu klar erkennbaren Gelegenheiten erforderlich machen.
Obwohl der Fonds unter ungewissen Marktbedingungen begeben wurde, als die zweite Covid-19-Welle die weltweiten Wirtschaftsaussichten verdüsterte, erzielten unser Anlageprozess, unsere Diversifizierung und unser Risikomanagement positive Ergebnisse.
In diesem Video geht Alina Donets, Portfoliomanagerin, näher auf die Wachstumssektoren im Bereich Naturkapital ein und erläutert den Marktausblick.
Hier erfahren Sie mehr über unseren LO Funds-Natural Capital.
[1] Source: LOIM provisional performance for IA share class of LO Funds-Natural Capital. Returns as on November 16, 2021. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. No reference index is directly comparable in terms of universe and composition to a given Sub-Fund. However, the Sub-fund uses the MSCI World SMID Cap TR ND index for performance and internal risk indicators comparison.
Wichtige Informationen.
This marketing document is issued by Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. a Luxembourg based public limited company (SA), having its registered office at 291, route d’Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg, authorised and regulated by the CSSF as a Management Company within the meaning of EU Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended; and within the meaning of the EU Directive 2011/61/EU on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (AIFMD). The purpose of the Management Company is the creation, promotion, administration, management and the marketing of Luxembourg and foreign UCITS, alternative investment funds ("AIFs") and other regulated funds, collective investment vehicles or other investment vehicles, as well as the offering of portfolio management and investment advisory services.
Lombard Odier Investment Managers (“LOIM”) is a trade name.
The Fund is authorised and regulated by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority of the Financial Sector (CSSF) as a UCITS within the meaning of EU Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended. The management company of the Fund is Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. (hereinafter the “Management Company”), a Luxembourg based public limited company (Société Anonyme SA), having its registered office at 291, route d’Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg, authorized and regulated by the CSSF as a Management Company within the meaning of EU Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended. The Fund is only registered for public offering in certain jurisdictions. The management company of the fund may decide to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of the Fund. The articles of association, the prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document, and the subscription form are the only official offering documents of the Fund’s shares (the “Offering Documents”). They are available on http// or can be requested free of charge at the registered office of the Fund or of the Management Company, from the distributors of the Fund or from the local representatives as mentioned below.
Austria. Supervisory Authority: Finanzmarktaufsicht (FMA), Representative: Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna - Belgium. Financial services Provider: CACEIS Belgium S.A., Avenue du Port 86C, b320, 1000 Brussels - France. Supervisory Authority: Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), Representative: CACEIS Bank, place Valhubert 1-3, F-75013 Paris - Germany. Supervisory Authority: Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), Representative: DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale, Mainzer Landstraße 16, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main - Ireland. Supervisory Authority: Central Bank of Ireland (CBI), Facilities Agent: CACEIS Ireland, One Custom House Plaza, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1, Ireland – Italy. Supervisory Authority: Banca d’Italia (BOI) / ConSob, Paying Agents: Société Générale Securities Services S.p.A., Via Benigno Crespi, 19/A - MAC 2, 20159 Milano, State Street Bank International GmbH - Succursale Italia, Via Ferrante Aporti, 10, 20125 Milano, Banca Sella Holding S.p.A., Piazza Gaudenzio Sella, 1, 13900 Biella, Allfunds Bank, S.A.U., Milan Branch,Via Bocchetto 6, 20123 Milano, CACEIS Bank S.A., Italy Branch, Piazza Cavour 2, 20121 – Milano - Liechtenstein. Supervisory Authority: Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein (“FMA”), Representative, LGT Bank AG Herrengasse 12, 9490 Vaduz - Netherlands. Supervisory Authority: Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM). Representative: Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. – Dutch Branch, Parklaan 26, 3016BC Rotterdam - Spain. Supervisory Authority: Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV), Representative: Allfunds Bank, S.A.U. C/ de los Padres Dominicos, 7, 28050, Madrid – Sweden. Supervisory Authoriy: Finans Inspektionen (FI). Representative: SKANDINAVISKA ENSKILDA BANKEN AB (publ), Kungsträdgårdsgatan, SE-106 40 Stockholm – Switzerland. Supervisory Authority: FINMA (Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers), Representative: Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA, 6 av. des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy; Paying agent: Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd, 11 rue de la Corraterie, CH-1204 Geneva. UK. Supervisory Authority: Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Representative: Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited, Queensberry House, 3 Old Burlington Street, London W1S3AB,
NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED KINGDOM The Fund is a Recognised Scheme in the United Kingdom under the Financial Services & Markets Act 2000. Potential investors in the United Kingdom are advised that none of the protections afforded by the United Kingdom regulatory system will apply to an investment in Lombard Odier Funds and that compensation will not generally be available under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This document does not itself constitute an offer to provide discretionary or non-discretionary investment management or advisory services, otherwise than pursuant to an agreement in compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
A summary of investor rights is available on
Singapore: This marketing communication has been approved for use by Lombard Odier (Singapore) Ltd for the general information of accredited investors and other persons in accordance with the conditions specified in Sections 275 and 305 of the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289). Recipients in Singapore should contact Lombard Odier (Singapore) Ltd, an exempt financial adviser under the Financial Advisers Act (Chapter 110) and a merchant bank regulated and supervised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, in respect of any matters arising from, or in connection with this marketing communication. The recipients of this marketing communication represent and warrant that they are accredited investors and other persons as defined in the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289). This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Hong Kong: This marketing communication has been approved for use by Lombard Odier (Hong Kong) Limited, a licensed entity regulated and supervised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong for the general information of professional investors and other persons in accordance with the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Chapter 571) of the laws of Hong Kong.
An investment in the Fund is not suitable for all investors. There can be no assurance that the Fund's investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital. Past or estimated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no assurance can be made that profits will be achieved or that substantial losses will not be incurred. Where the fund is denominated in a currency other than an investor's base currency, changes in the rate of exchange may have an adverse effect on price and income. All performance figures reflect the reinvestment of interest and dividends and do not take account the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of shares/units; performance figures are estimated and unaudited. Net performance shows the performance net of fees and expenses for the relevant fund/share class over the reference period. This document does not contain personalized recommendations or advice and is not intended to substitute any professional advice on investment in financial products. Before making an investment in the Fund, an investor should read the entire Offering Documents, and in particular the risk factors pertaining to an investment in the Fund, consider carefully the suitability of such investment to his/her particular circumstances and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences. This document is the property of LOIM and is addressed to its recipient exclusively for their personal use. It may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of LOIM. It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful. This document contains the opinions of LOIM, as at the date of issue. The information and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable. However, LOIM does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information contained in this document, nor does it accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from its use. All information and opinions as well as the prices indicated may change without notice. Neither this document nor any copy thereof may be sent, taken into, or distributed in the United States of America, any of its territories or possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to or for the benefit of a United States Person. For this purpose, the term "United States Person" shall mean any citizen, national or resident of the United States of America, partnership organized or existing in any state, territory or possession of the United States of America, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any state, territory or possession thereof, or any estate or trust that is subject to United States Federal income tax regardless of the source of its income.
Source of the figures: Unless otherwise stated, figures are prepared by LOIM.
Important information on performance
Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.
Where the fund is denominated in a currency other than an investor's base currency, changes in the rate of exchange may have an adverse effect on price and income. All performance figures reflect the reinvestment of interest and dividends and do not take account the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of shares/units; performance figures are estimated and unaudited. Net performance shows the performance net of fees and expenses for the relevant fund/share class over the reference period. Source of the figures: Unless otherwise stated, figures are prepared by LOIM.
Important information on benchmarks.
Any benchmarks/indices cited herein are provided for information purposes only. No benchmark/index is directly comparable to the investment objectives, strategy or universe of a fund. The performance of a benchmark shall not be indicative of past or future performance of any fund. It should not be assumed that the relevant fund will invest in any specific securities that comprise any index, nor should it be understood to mean that there is a correlation between such fund’s returns and any index returns.
Important information on portfolio composition: The portfolio information provided in this document is for illustrative purposes only and does not purport to be recommendation of an investment in, or a comprehensive statement of all of the factors or considerations which may be relevant to an investment in the referenced securities. They illustrate the investment process undertaken by the manager in respect of a certain type of investment, but may not be representative of the Fund's past or future portfolio of investments as a whole and
it should be understood that they will not of themselves be sufficient to give a clear and balanced view of the investment process undertaken by the manager or of the composition of the investment portfolio of the Fund.
As the case may be, further information regarding the calculation methodology and the contribution of each holding in the representative account to the overall account’s performance can be obtained by the Fund or the Management Company. Holdings and/or allocations are subject to change. If the funds are denominated in a currency other than that in which the majority of the investor’s assets are held, the investor should be aware that changes in rates of exchange may affect the value of the funds’ underlying assets. The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk.
The strategy may include the use of derivatives. Derivatives often involve a high degree of financial risk because a relatively small movement in the price of the underlying security or benchmark may result in a disproportionately large movement in the price of the derivative and are not suitable for all investors. No representation regarding the suitability of these instruments and strategies for a particular investor is made.
Concentration risks: Because of the smaller number of stocks held in the portfolio, the Fund may be subject to greater risks than a more diversified fund. A change in value of any single holding may affect the overall value of the portfolio more than it would affect a diversified fund that holds more investments.
If the funds are denominated in a currency other than that in which the majority of the investors assets are held, the investor should be aware that changes in rates of exchange may affect the value of the funds underlying assets. The portfolio risk management process includes an effort to monitor and manage risk, but does not imply low risk.
Although certain information has been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable, without independent verification, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or the completeness of all information available from public sources.
No part of this material may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means, or (ii) distributed to any person that is not an employee, officer, director, or authorised agent of the recipient, without Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. prior consent. In Luxembourg, this material is a marketing material and has been approved by Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. which is authorized and regulated by the CSSF.
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