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Rethink net zero: credit risk and opportunities

Watch the replay of our Webinar on Target Net-Zero in Credit
How can credit investors determine which companies – across all sectors of the economy – are best positioned for one of the greatest economic challenges of our time? In this webinar, Dr Thomas Hohne-Sparborth, Senior Sustainability Analyst, and Ashton Parker, Head of Credit Research and Senior Portfolio Manager, explained how we have focused on developing carbon expertise to help investors avoid stranded assets, identify opportunities and support the net-zero-transition. As a result, our scientific, forward-looking methodology underpins two new investment grade strategies that seek to outperform global and European benchmarks while delivering a smaller carbon footprint from inception and net-zero alignment by 2050.
Key topics included:
- Investing with a true net-zero-focus: going beyond low-carbon sectors and offsets to capture opportunities in an economy-wide transition
- How our carbon methodology works, why it is robust and the material investment and regulatory reporting insights it generates for investors
- Combining intensive IG credit selection with opportunistic non-IG exposure to enhance returns while controlling risk