
multi-asset strategies.

Our multi asset strategies aims to deliver precise investment long-term solutions for clients with different risk appetites.

By flexibly allocating across diverse, liquid sources of return using both traditional and modern investment techniques, we offer actively-managed, conservative, balanced and growth portfolios incorporating stringent risk management techniques.

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See our featured multi-asset strategy:

How to foster disinflation without a recession
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

How to foster disinflation without a recession

Amid a slowdown in the US economy, Simply put investigates the role of lower growth in aiding the Federal Reserve’s fight against inflation. 

Is the US economy headed for a recession?
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

Is the US economy headed for a recession?

US unemployment is currently a source of market concern, but is the world’s biggest economy really headed for a recession? 

What are the investment cycle’s next steps?
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

What are the investment cycle’s next steps?

Economic indicators currently offer mixed signals. Can nowcasting provide a more coherent guide for where the investment cycle is heading?

When size matters: an equity rotation or market breather?
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

When size matters: an equity rotation or market breather?

Is a rotation towards small cap stocks underway? Simply put investigates the data and the implications for multi-asset investors.

US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?

Analysing market returns for each US election period from 1964, we ask: should multi-asset investors increase diversification before the November vote?

Why you should rebalance your Swiss cash exposure
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investment viewpointsInstitutionalMulti-assetWholesaleAll roads

Why you should rebalance your Swiss cash exposure

High Swiss cash rates look likely to fall. Adding exposure to a cash-enhancing, multi-asset strategy could help moderate the decline in returns.