regulatory and voluntary disclosures.
Please read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION below before proceeding, as it explains certain restrictions on the distribution of information available on this website.
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited
- Statement on compliance with the EU Shareholders Rights Directive II
- Limited Slavery and Human Trafficking statement
- Complaints Policy
- Best Execution Policy
- List of Execution Venues
- MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures
- SRI Policy
- Engagement Policy
- Proxy Voting Policy
- LOIM Exclusion Policy
- Allocation and order aggregation policy
- Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) – 2023
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) Limited
- Best Execution Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Proxy Voting Policy
- Federal Act on Financial Services (Financial Services Act, the “FinSA”) - 15 June 2018
- LOIM Exclusion Policy
- Allocation and order aggregation policy
- Financial indices
Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A.
- Best Execution Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Conflicts of Interest Policy
- Details of the Remuneration Policy
- Proxy Voting Policy
- LOFE Top 5 Execution Venues Report Year Ending 2023
- SFDR Article 3 and 4 statement and information
- Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
- Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment advice on sustainability factors
- LOIM Exclusion Policy
- SRI Policy
- Allocation and order aggregation policy
- Summary of Investors' rights