
The latest news from Lombard Odier Investment Managers


For any media related enquiries relating to Lombard Odier Investment Managers, please contact:


Celeste Herriger

T. +44 20 3206 6167  

media releases.


  • Fallen angels radar: optimising recovery potential
    investment viewpoints

    Fallen angels radar: optimising recovery potential

    This issue of Fallen angels radar monitors progression in corporate credit ratings and how our active management approach seeks the best recovery potential.

  • US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?
    investment viewpoints

    US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?

    Analysing market returns for each US election period from 1964, we ask: should multi-asset investors increase diversification before the November vote?

  • Domande chiave sulla strategia World Brands
    investment viewpoints

    Key questions about World Brands

    This Q&A explores the investment philosophy behind our World Brand strategy. How do we spot companies with the most potential for alpha?