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LOIM appointed by Wiltshire Pension Fund for sustainable equity mandate

LOIM appointed by Wiltshire Pension Fund for sustainable equity mandate






Planetary Transition fund selected to fulfil listed equities allocation

Lombard Odier Investment Managers (‘LOIM’) has been appointed by Wiltshire Pension Fund to manage a mandate that invests in global sustainable equities, consistent with the transition towards a net-zero economy, and which seeks to deliver competitive financial returns and positive environmental impact for Wiltshire’s members1.

Wiltshire Pension Fund is part of the national Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), currently representing over 86,000 members with more than £3.2bn in assets under management. Wiltshire has selected LOIM’s Planetary Transition strategy to fulfil the listed equity allocation of their Climate Opportunities (Clops) portfolio.

“We are delighted that Wiltshire Pension Fund has chosen to partner with LOIM. Both Wiltshire and Lombard Odier share the conviction that sustainability trends can drive returns in active equities. Our Planetary Transition strategy seeks to deliver compelling active returns by selecting companies that will benefit as the net zero transition unfolds in areas such as climate and nature.”

The Planetary Transition fund is an active equities strategy that invests in companies that are driving the transition to net zero. The mandate win is a further endorsement of LOIM’s expertise and credentials in sustainable investing in the UK institutional market, following the appointment by Nest for a £5 billion global thematic equity mandate earlier this year.

Ritesh Bamania, Head of UK Institutional Sales and Global Consultant Relations at LOIM, said :“We are delighted that Wiltshire Pension Fund has chosen to partner with LOIM. Both Wiltshire and Lombard Odier share the conviction that sustainability trends can drive returns in active equities. Our Planetary Transition strategy seeks to deliver compelling active returns by selecting companies that will benefit as the net zero transition unfolds in areas such as climate and nature.”

Jennifer Devine, Head of Wiltshire Pension Fund, said : “We are very excited to be partnering with Lombard Odier as part of our Climate Opportunities (Clops) portfolio.  We believe that Lombard Odier's Planetary Transition strategy is a great fit for Clops, aligning well with our investment philosophy. Lombard Odier's use of planetary boundaries, system roadmaps and deep investment research will ensure Wiltshire Pension Fund are invested in companies that are driving the transition to net zero while providing sustainable investment returns.”

1 Any reference to a specific company or security does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or directly invest in the company or securities. It should not be assumed that the recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the securities discussed in this document.

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