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Impacting change through climate bonds

On-demand webinar
Climate bonds – an instrument with the power to finance our transition to a more sustainable world.
In this webinar Christopher Kaminker PhD, Head of Sustainable Investment, Stuart Kinnersley, Managing Partner at Affirmative Investment Management, and Lisa Wong, Verification and Impact Partner at Affirmative Investment Management, discuss how climate bonds enable investors to simultaneously create positive, measurable impact and gain exposure to a diversified investment grade bond portfolio.
In addition, Lisa shares her insights on impact reporting, drawing on highlights from the latest LO Funds – Global Climate Bond 2019 impact report.

Climate change is one of the most pressing sustainability challenges investors are facing today
A growing and increasingly diverse climate bonds market helps meet this pressing need for impact capital – a gap of USD 700 billion a year*
LOIM has partnered with AIM, a leading manager for impact fixed income strategies, to launch a fund that seeks high impact bonds from responsible issuers
LO Funds – Global Climate Bond offers low turnover, well-diversified and high quality investment grade exposure that simultaneously creates positive impact
Outstanding impact reporting capabilities provide investors with significant insight into the real impact of their investments
*Source: World Economic Forum estimate