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Lombard Odier Investment Managers appoints Head of UK Wholesale

Lombard Odier Investment Managers appoints Head of UK Wholesale

Lombard Odier Investment Managers (“LOIM”) today announces the appointment of Selina Tyler as Head of UK Wholesale, as part of the firm’s strategic growth plan to bolster its presence and product offering in the UK market.

LOIM has been building out its UK team this year with five additional hires, including Selina and a significant marketing investment to bring the firm’s market-leading sustainability and thematic propositions to a wider UK audience.


In her new role, Selina will be responsible for driving the growth of LOIM’s UK wholesale franchise and strengthening the firm’s distribution proposition for intermediaries including private banks, financial advisors and wealth managers. Selina is based in London and reports to Jonathan Clenshaw, European Head of Sales at LOIM. She joined on 1 June.

Selina will also focus on promoting LOIM’s thematic and sustainability propositions across the UK wholesale client network, including the firm’s range of “TargetNetZero” strategies, which recently launched to provide forward-looking solutions that enable clients to achieve their decarbonisation goals. 

Selina has over 16 years of investment management experience. She joins LOIM from Mirabaud Asset Management, where she was Head of UK Wholesale. Prior to this, Selina spent six years as a UK Sales Director at Hermes Investment Management and further five years at Man Group.

Alongside her investment responsibilities, Selina is also a member of the advisory board for CityHive, the independent organisation which aims to foster diversity and inclusion and sustainability across the investment management industry. 

In this context, LOIM has recently become a founding sponsor of the Women in Business & Finance (“WIBF”) Accelerating Change Together (“ACT”) Research Programme, which aims to provide recommendations and effect policy change to better retain and promote women in the financial services workplace.


Jonathan Clenshaw, European Head of Sales at LOIM, commented: “We are delighted that Selina is joining LOIM. She brings a deep expertise of the UK wholesale market and a strong cultural fit, with a passion for embedding sustainability within outcome-based solutions for clients. We would also like to congratulate Selina on the birth of her daughter and look forward to welcoming her when she returns from maternity leave.

“The UK is a key growth market for LOIM. In addition to building out the team and the firm’s ongoing organic investment in the UK business, we are also considering inorganic opportunities to support our strategic growth plans.”

About Lombard Odier IM

At Lombard Odier Investment Managers, we are rethinkers with one goal in mind. To provide our clients with outstanding investment solutions that meet their needs for the long term and evolve to thrive in the challenging world in which we all live. 

We are focused investment specialists, seeking out investment opportunities that lie on less trodden paths, where our diverse and talented team can add genuine, persistent, value to our clients. We constantly rethink what we know and do, innovating to create new strategies and develop new ways of investing. 

We believe that the next economic revolution has already begun and that sustainability will be a major driver of returns for the foreseeable future and beyond. For those with the skills to adapt to this new reality, sustainability will create new sources of alpha, open up new investment opportunities and lead to enhanced return and reduced portfolio risk.

Our team of sustainability experts combine sophisticated data sources, academic rigour and technical innovation to create leading-edge, science-based tools that provide unique insights that are available to all our investment professionals. 

These unique insights are reflected directly in our growing range of dedicated sustainable investment strategies that are aligned to this core belief - That our economic model must move from being Wasteful, Idle, Lopsided and Dirty to become Circular, Lean, Inclusive and Clean. We call this The CLIC™ Economy.

With more than 140 investment professionals, we are a global business with a network of 13 offices across Europe, Asia and North America and have assets under management of 63 billion CHF (as at 31 December 2020).


For more information:



Celeste Herriger
Head of PR, Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Tel.: +44 20 3206 6167

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