nature: consuming more to reverse climate change

rethinking how consumption can act as a carbon sink.

Conventional economic thinking says the only way to solve the climate crisis is to consume less. We are rethinkers with a different perspective. What if consuming instead acted as a carbon sink because the real assets used in production removed carbon from the atmosphere? This would mean consuming more actually helped reverse climate change. Based on more than a decade of experience in creating nature-based assets, we believe this transformation presents strong potential in 2025 and beyond.


an acceleration in global warming.

In 2025, protectionism is on the rise in a fragmented world where leaders focus on domestic issues at the expense of climate initiatives. This should not obscure the urgency of the climate challenge: 2024 is the hottest year on record1 so far. 

Global warming is accelerating as both land and oceans lose their ability to absorb carbon and excess heat. Oceans absorb 90% of the heat caused by climate change2 – yet surface temperature in 2023-2024 was completely off the charts, increasing by more than 0.4 degrees in a move that surprised scientists3. To date, land ecosystems absorbed more than 30% of human-generated emissions. But this capacity collapsed in 2023 when land CO2 uptake fell by 90% relative to past decades.4 This suggests land has a diminishing impact on mitigating climate change. 

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the value of nature assets.

We believe that nature-based, real assets can play an essential role in creating products that reverse climate change. It is possible to take one hectare of agriculture land, restore and continue producing on it, and, as a result, extract more than 10 tons of CO2 net from the atmosphere, even taking into account all of the emissions in the entire value chain5. This vastly improves on the goal of reaching net-zero emissions. Instead, the process aims to remove 20kg of CO2 per kilogramme of product consumed. 

Our investment strategies are driven by nature-based products that aim to be better and cheaper than competitors. We focus on the value chains of consumer staples for products with strong demand dynamics. The capital we provide helps farms produce goods that reverse climate climate change, lower production costs and secure future productivity while making products that bind CO2

As the climate becomes ever more imperilled, we find value in holding nature assets that offer investors potentially attractive risk-adjusted returns, portfolio diversification and a hedge against inflation. For those willing to invest in long-term, fundamental value creation, nature is the most reliable partner we have.




Morten Rosse
Head of Nature and Climate, holistiQ

after the bell.

What is your new year’s investment resolution? 

My new year’s investment resolutions are to:

  • Demonstrate that investing in real assets whose production processes absorb carbon from the atmosphere make sense for investors and the planet

  • Design nature-based investment strategies that are superior to those of competitors

  • Identify private assets around the world with strong transition potential


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