fixed income.

fixed income strategies.

Our actively-managed range of fixed income strategies are designed to help you build portfolios that can be closely aligned to your clients’ needs.

Spanning the full credit spectrum – from money market funds through to higher yielding bond strategies in developed and emerging markets, our fixed income teams offer specialist expertise and robust risk management across a wide selection of diverse funds, managed portfolios and mandates, including those designed to meet stringent sustainability targets.

sustainable fixed income.

Focused on the environmental transition to net zero. To view our Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Classifications, click here.

See our sustainable strategies:

global fixed income.

A diverse range of  solutions from sovereign bonds to innovative corporate bonds such as Fallen Angels and unconstrained bond strategies. 

See our global strategies:

regional fixed income.

Credit solutions for specific countries and regions from Swiss Investment Grade to Asian Value Bonds and much in between. 

See our regional strategies:

money market.

Highly-liquid, conservative credit strategies.

See our money market strategies: