
multi-asset strategies.

Our multi asset strategies aims to deliver precise investment long-term solutions for clients with different risk appetites.

By flexibly allocating across diverse, liquid sources of return using both traditional and modern investment techniques, we offer actively-managed, conservative, balanced and growth portfolios incorporating stringent risk management techniques.

All Roads.

See our featured multi-asset strategy:

US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Multi-asset Wholesale All roads

US election: will diversification benefit portfolios?

Analysing market returns for each US election period from 1964, we ask: should multi-asset investors increase diversification before the November vote?

Is duration exposure gaining appeal?
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Multi-asset Wholesale All roads

Is duration exposure gaining appeal?

Investors have hesitated about fixed income allocations, despite an improvement in long-term investment prospects. Could the outlook be improving for bonds?

How to build a cross-asset value factor
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Multi-asset All roads

How to build a cross-asset value factor

The fifth edition of Multi-Asset Research Series (MARS) presents our methodology to build a cross-asset value factor and an application of our approach.

Building a regime-resistant, long-run allocation in multi asset
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Multi-asset All roads

Building a regime-resistant, long-run allocation in multi asset

The fourth edition of our Multi-Asset Research Series (MARS) introduces the regime-parity portfolio: a new approach for risk-based portfolio construction.

Passive equities have never been so concentrated: can active managers provide diversification?
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Alternatives. Alternative risk premia Equities Multi-asset

Passive equities have never been so concentrated: can active managers provide diversification?

Equity indices have become extremely concentrated, undermining diversification within passive strategies. Can active managers better navigate this market?

Macro investing with style
investment viewpoints Institutional
investment viewpoints Institutional Alternatives. Alternative risk premia Equities Multi-asset

Macro investing with style

Our approach in systematic equities to implementing macro investing can add value as it moves beyond traditional factors to a wider universe of equity styles.