
The following risks may be materially relevant but may not always be adequately captured by the summary risk indicator and may cause additional loss: Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Risks linked to the use of derivatives and financial techniques and Concentration risk.

ultra low duration range.

ultra low duration range.

The Ultra Low Duration range comprises Luxembourg and Swiss-domiciled Sub-Funds that target steady income above the money market rate while aiming to meet investors’ liquidity needs1.

LOIM’s conservative credit strategy seeks to provide this flexibility by investing across a broad universe of traditional fixed income instruments.

why invest?

A conservative ‘cash-plus’ solution that can maintain a highly liquid portfolio.

We draw on lessons from pre-2008 short term bond funds to try to create this diversified cash strategy – one with a clear liquidity buffer.


combining liquidity management and credit analytics.

Conservative core: With investors’ liquidity needs in mind, the Sub-Funds only invests in highly rated securities. They adopt strict limits on maturity, credit spread duration.

Highly diversified: To minimise volatility, the team sets issuer and geographic concentration limits and pays close attention to factors such as deal size and market depth.

Enhanced sources of return: The team seeks strategic and ad-hoc opportunities with attractive riskadjusted return potential.2


actively seeking to manage key risks with a broad toolkit.


  Key risk  Mitigant
Icon_1.jpg Credit default risk High quality investment grade and crossover credit
Icon_2.jpg Credit spread widening risk Diversification and 3 year maturity limit
Icon_3.jpg Liquidity risk Liquidity buffers
Icon_4.jpg Interest rate risk Mix of floating-rate notes
Icon_5.jpg Volatility risk Short maturity commercial paper



investment team.



David Callahan
Head of Cash Solutions 


Florian Helly
Portfolio manager

David and Florian have over 38 years of combined investment experience in cash solutions. They have been managing LOIM’s money market investments over the past decade, within the firm’s broader Fixed Income platform.

Find out more

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1There can be no assurance that the Sub-Fund’s investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital or that a substantial loss will not be incurred.
2There can be no assurance that the investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital or that a substantial loss will not be incurred.

important information.

Lombard Odier Funds (hereinafter the “Fund”) is a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital (SICAV). The Fund is authorised and regulated by the Luxembourg Supervisory Authority of the Financial Sector (CSSF) as an Undertaking for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities UCITS under Part I of the Luxembourg law of the 17 December 2010 implementing the European directive 2009/65/EC, as amended (“UCITS Directive”). The Management Company of the Fund is Lombard Odier Funds (Europe) S.A. (hereinafter the “Management Company”), a Luxembourg based public limited company (SA), having its registered office at 291, route d’Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, authorised and regulated by the CSSF as a Management Company within the meaning of EU Directive 2009/65/EC, as amended. This marketing document relates to “Ultra Low Duration (EUR)” and “Ultra Low Duration (USD)” Sub-Funds of Lombard Odier Funds (hereinafter the “Sub-Funds”). This marketing communication was prepared by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited. The prospectus, the articles of incorporation, the Key Investor Information Documents, the subscription form and the most recent annual and semi-annual reports are the only official offering documents of the Sub-Fund’s shares (the “Offering Documents”). The Offering Documents are available in English, French, German and Italian at www.loim.com and can be requested free of charge at the registered office of the Sub-Funds in Luxembourg: 291 route d’Arlon, 1150 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The information contained in this marketing communication does not take into account any individual’s specific circumstances, objectives or needs and does not constitute research or that any investment strategy is suitable or appropriate to individual circumstances or that any investment or strategy constitutes a personal investment advice to any investor. This marketing communication is not intended to substitute any professional advice on investment in financial products. Before making an investment in the Sub-Funds, an investor should read the entire Offering Documents, and in particular the risk factors pertaining to an investment in the Sub-Fund. We would like to draw the investor’s attention toward the longterm nature of delivering returns across the economic cycle and the use of financial derivative instruments as part of the investment strategy may result in a higher level of leverage and increase the overall risk exposure of the Sub-Funds and the volatility of their Net Asset Value. Investors should take care to assess the suitability of such investment to his/her particular risk profile and circumstances and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences. There can be no assurance that the Sub-Funds’ investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Where the Sub-Funds are denominated in a currency other than an investor’s base currency, changes in the rate of exchange may have an adverse effect on price and income. Please take note of the risk factors. Any benchmarks/indices cited herein are provided for information purposes only. No benchmark/ index is directly comparable to the investment objectives, strategy or universe of a Sub-Funds. The performance of a benchmark shall not be indicative of past or future performance of any Sub-Funds. It should not be assumed that the relevant Sub- Funds will invest in any specific securities that comprise any index, nor should it be understood to mean that there is a correlation between such Sub-Fund’s returns and any index returns. Target performance/risk represents a portfolio construction goal. It does not represent past performance/risk and may not be representative of actual future performance/ risk. The information and analysis contained herein are based on sources considered to be reliable. Lombard Odier makes its best efforts to ensure the timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of the information contained in this marketing communication. Nevertheless, all information and opinions as well as the prices, market valuations and calculations indicated herein may change without notice. Source of the figures: Unless otherwise stated, figures are prepared by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited. The tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may be subject to change in the future. Lombard Odier does not provide tax advice and it is up to each investor to consult with its own tax advisors. NOTICE TO RESIDENTS IN THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES: Austria – Paying agent: Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG. Belgium – Financial services provider: CACEIS Belgium S.A. The Sub-Funds are not appropriate for Belgian retail investors unless the investment subscription is more than EUR 250,000. Please contact your tax advisor to identify the impacts of the Belgian tax “TOB” (“Taxe sur les Operations Boursières”) on your transactions, as well as the impacts of the withholding tax (“Précomptes mobiliers”). Lombard Odier has an internal Complaints Management Service. You can lodge a claim via your Relationship Manager or directly to Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. Luxembourg, BelgiumBranch, ClaimManagementService, AvenueLouise81, Box12,1050Brussels, Fax: (+32) 2 543 08. Alternatively you can address your complaint free of charge to the national complaint service in Belgium, OMBUDSMAN: North Gate II, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, n°8 Boîte 2 2, 1000 Brussels, Tel : (+32) 2 545 77 70, Fax : (+32) 2 545 77 79, Email: Ombudsman@Ombusfin.be. France – Centralising agent: CACEIS Bank. Germany – German Information and Paying agent: DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale. Italy – Paying agents: Société Générale Securities Services S.p.A., State Street Bank International GmbH – Succursale Italia, Banca Sella Holding S.p.A., Allfunds Bank S.A.U., Milan Branch, BNP Paribas Securities Services, CACEIS Bank, Italy Branch. Liechtenstein – Paying agent: LGT Bank AG. Luxembourg – Depositary, central administration agent, registrar, transfer Agent, paying agent and listing agent: CACEIS Bank, Luxembourg Branch. Netherlands – Paying agent: Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Ltd, Netherlands Branch. Spain – Paying agent: Allfunds Bank S.A.U. – CNMV Number: 498. Sweden – Paying agent: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ). Switzerland – The Sub-Funds are registered with the Swiss Federal Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). The Offering Documents together with the other Shareholders’ information are available free of charge at the Swiss Representative: Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) S.A., 6, avenue des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy, Switzerland. Swiss Paying Agent: Banque Lombard Odier & Co Ltd. 11, rue de la Corraterie 1204 Genève, Switzerland. Publications about the Sub-Fund: www.fundinfo.com. The issue and redemption prices and / or the net asset value (with the mention “excluding commissions”) of the Share classes distributed in Switzerland: www.swissfunddata.ch and www.fundinfo.com. Bank Lombard Odier & Co Ltd is a bank and securities dealer authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). United Kingdom – This document is a financial promotion and has been approved for the purposes of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited. It is approved for distribution by Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A., London Branch for Retail Clients in the United Kingdom. The Sub-Funds are Recognised schemes in the United Kingdom under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. UK regulation for the protection of retail clients in the UK and the compensation available under the UK Financial Services Compensation scheme does not apply in respect of any investment or services provided by an overseas person. UK facilities agent: Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited. Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. UK Branch is a credit institution regulated in the UK by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Details of the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the PRA and regulation by the FCA are available from us on request. European Union Members: This marketing communication has been approved for issue by Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. The entity is a credit institution authorised and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) in Luxembourg. Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. branches are operating in the following territories: France: Lombard Odier (Europe). S.A. Succursale en France, a credit institution under limited supervision in France by the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) and by the Autorité des marchés financiers(AMF) in respect of its investment services activities; Spain: Lombard Odier (Europe) S.A. Sucursal en España, Lombard Odier Gestión (España) S.G.I.I.C., S.A.U., credit institutions under limited supervision in Spain by the Banco de España and the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV). United States: Neither this document nor any copy thereof may be sent, taken into, or distributed in the United States or given to any US person. This marketing communication may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any public or commercial purpose without the prior written permission of Lombard Odier.
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