Equities: for decarbonisation tomorrow not low carbon today

staying the course demands expertise.

Contrarian strategies are tough to run. Unlike trend-following strategies, the more a contrarian strategy underperforms, the greater the incentive to stay invested. 

Our experience in systematic value investing has shown us that it’s possible to experience several years of drawdown before the approach fully recovers and potentially reaches new highs. As such, we believe that contrarian strategies present attractive opportunities but only when paired with prudent management and proper risk mitigation.

discerning leaders in high-carbon sectors.

Our TargetNetZero strategy positions against the current trend of low-carbon investing. Such approaches penalise all high-carbon companies unconditionally, driving down their valuations (see figure 1). This creates opportunities away from the herd for more refined stock selection, in our view.

click here to explore our TargetNetZero strategy.

We aim to find companies in high-carbon sectors that are most aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Identifying these companies requires far more research and analysis than simply measuring their carbon footprints today. 

We use LOIM’s proprietary Implied Temperature Rise methodology to provide a forward-looking assessment of companies’ transition plans. The tool enables us to find high-carbon companies with credible plans to decarbonise that we believe are likely to reduce emissions ahead of their peers – we favour these names in our equity portfolios and believe their valuations could offer attractive prospects for investors. Selection takes place in the context of tightly controlled risk management that maintains a low tracking error relative to the benchmark.

Rather than following the trend for low-carbon approaches, we believe our TargetNetZero transition approach offers investors strong potential for untapped value.

FIG. 1. Relative valuation of high-carbon companies1



Nicolas Mieszkalski
Portfolio Manager


Alexey Medvedev
Portfolio Manager

after the bell.

What’s your dream guest list for a dinner party?

  • Galileo Galilei because his defence of heliocentrism2 made him a quintessential contrarian 
  • Novelist, poet and visionary George Orwell, for his incredible ability to anticipate the future
  • Physicist and chemist Marie Curie, whose pioneering spirit and research on radioactivity made unprecedented impact and paved the way for the next industrial revolution
  • Civil rights activist Rosa Parks, for her willingness to take a stand against the social consensus
  • Sheldon Cooper, the fictional character in ‘The Big Bang Theory’, for his unconventional humour

This list brings together a wide spectrum of views from different eras and fields for a dinner party that is full of debate, conflict and unconventional perspectives that challenge dominant thinking.


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Trucost, LOIM. For illustrative purposes only. Relative valuations are computed from the spread of median price-to-book ratios between high-carbon stocks and their regional peers. High-carbon stocks are the top 20% companies in the MSCI World Index with respect to scope 1 and scope 2 emissions. Scope 1 are direct emissions that are owned or controlled by a company. Scope 2 emissions are a consequence of the activities of the company but occur from sources not owned or controlled by it. 
2 The astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the sun at the centre of the universe.