
The following risks may be materially relevant but may not always be adequately captured by the summary risk indicator and may cause additional loss: Credit risk, Liquidity risk, Risks linked to the use of derivatives and financial techniques and Concentration risk.

Lombard Odier Private Assets

Lombard Odier Private Assets

Lombard Odier Investment Managers has an established in-house specialist Private Assets platform dedicated to helping clients build exposure to complex private investments over the long-term.

The Private Assets group was established over 15 years ago and today has dedicated expertise across private asset classes including private equity, private debt and real assets.  



The Private Assets group provides managed and advised solutions to access investment opportunities through primary comingled funds, secondary investments and co-investments. Portfolios are aligned with institutional investors’ time horizons, liquidity requirements and risk profile and have a history of generating premium performance across vehicles and strategies. Our product solutions provide easy access to investors with lower minimum investments, semi-liquid and commingled funds and the opportunity to participate in hard-to-access funds through our long-standing relationships and access to deal flow through our General Partner (GP) network.

Our private assets investment philosophy is focused on future proofing our portfolios with sustainability at the core of our investing activities. Lombard Odier recognizes that Sustainability is today one of the most important drivers of risk and returns. Through our relationships with GPs and partnerships in the industry, we seek to ensure our sustainability agenda can be actively implemented through the private investments that we make across the globe. We aim to utilise LOIM’s best-in-class, academically verified sustainability insights to inform our structured ESG analysis of portfolio companies, investments and partners in private assets. The sustainability insights of LOIM also play a key role by informing a dedicated impact strategy which invests in innovative sustainable solutions providers aligned with UN SDGs.

With EUR 7 billion of assets under management, the Private Assets platform is led by Christopher Tritten, supported by an experienced senior private assets team benefiting from the Lombard Odier infrastructure. The senior team consists of seasoned professionals who have accumulated a broad range of experience in private assets, including venture, growth equity, buyout, special situations, private credit, real estate, infrastructure and natural resources.


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This document is issued by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”), and entered on the FCA register with registration number 515393.
Lombard Odier Investment Managers (“LOIM”) is a trade name.
This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to purchase or sell any security or service. It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful. This material does not contain personalized recommendations or advice and is not intended to substitute any professional advice on investment in financial products. Before entering into any transaction, an investor should consider carefully the suitability of a transaction to his/her particular circumstances and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences. This document is the property of LOIM and is addressed to its recipient exclusively for their personal use. It may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of LOIM. This material contains the opinions of LOIM, as at the date of issue.
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