
The following risks may be materially relevant but may not always be adequately captured by the summary risk indicator and may cause additional loss: Concentration risk, Emerging market risk and Active management risk.


New Food Systems

Capturing profit pools as the world transitions from old to new food systems.


New Food Systems is a quality growth equity strategy, focused on the opportunities as our food systems evolve: disrupting profit pools, altering existing markets, creating new ones – and in turn, unlocking potential upside for investors.

1 LOIM research analysis; based on FOLU (2019) Growing Better: Ten Critical Transitions to Transform Food and Land Use.

the market opportunity.

We see three key investable themes made possible by approaching inflection points in our food systems. 

Sustainable food production

NFS - sustainable food production.svg

Enabling solutions

NFS - enabling solutions-01.svg

Sustainable food consumption

NFS - sustainable food consumption-01.svg

Our New Food Systems strategy is designed to capture the opportunities associated with these transformations as we move to models that can nourish the planet while operating within, and potentially restoring, planetary boundaries.

our strategy.

We aim to invest in the upside potential of companies meeting demand for changing eating habits, improving agriculture and food production throughout our global food systems.

Our investment philosophy is founded on the deep thematic research of our investment roadmaps.

These begin with an analysis of scientific principles providing a structured way to forecast the impact that the environmental transition has on profit-pool shifts.

We seek to understand the policy environment that supports various system changes, the technological and economic viability for specific innovations and the consumer behaviour changes further driving potential shifts in profit-pools.

For each system change, our inhouse team works with specialized consultants and experts as well as the University of Oxford to create economic and financial forecasts.

This helps us to identify companies that are accelerating or aligning with the rise of new food systems, and which also offer the potential for generating excess economic returns (ie potential returns over and above that of risk-free or benchmarks alternatives).

The result is a thematic investment universe of companies that we believe are poised to benefit from inflection points in the rise of new food systems. From this, we construct a high-conviction portfolio of companies that we believe can deliver green alpha1: investable opportunities where the environmental transition may be a key driver of growth. 

our themes explored.

why us?

investment process.

investment team.

Thomas Hohne-Sparborth
Head of Sustainability Research

Conor Walsh
Co-PM Circular Economy,
Lead PM New Food Systems


Alina Donets
Lead PM Circular Economy,
Lead PM Biodiversity

Michael Urban, PhD
Chief Sustainability Strategist

Nicholette MacDonald-Brown
Head of Sustainable Equities


Pascal Menges
Head of Macro & Investment

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COP28: delivering on food, nature and energy
sustainable investment Institutional
sustainable investment Institutional Sustainable Planetary Transition Future Electrification Circular Economy TNZ equities New Food Systems

COP28: delivering on food, nature and energy

Our key takeaways from COP28 include significant agreements on nature, food and energy systems, plus insights from Lombard Odier’s re-NATURE hub.

A disruptive festive menu: jellyfish, bean burgers
equities Institutional
equities Institutional New Food Systems equities

A disruptive festive menu: jellyfish, bean burgers

Our industrial food system no longer makes economic or environmental sense. How could our diets change in the future? The answer largely depends on decisions that we make today. We explore different scenarios. 

A new form of regenerative agriculture
equities Institutional
equities Institutional New Food Systems equities

A new form of regenerative agriculture

In the final instalment of our three-part series on sustainable agricultural practices, we analyse how new technologies and proven approaches are creating a new form of regenerative agriculture.

Building new food systems with GM crops
equities Institutional
equities Institutional New Food Systems equities

Building new food systems with GM crops

In the second instalment of our three-part series on regenerative agriculture, we examine the role of GM crops in developing and sustaining new food systems.

important information.

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