Professional | Lombard Odier Investment Managers


How can the net-zero theme add value for investors?
equitiesTNZ equities
equitiesTNZ equities

How can the net-zero theme add value for investors?

We discuss why our investment conviction in decarbonisation remains strong and explore how the net zero component added value to our equities strategy in 2024.
Swiss central bank shifts into wait-and-see mode
fixed incomeSwiss Franc bonds
fixed incomeSwiss Franc bonds

Swiss central bank shifts into wait-and-see mode

At its March policy meeting, the Swiss central bank expressed caution about global uncertainties as it took key interest rates below neutral.
Multi-asset diversification amid risks to growth
multi-assetAll Roads
multi-assetAll Roads

Multi-asset diversification amid risks to growth

As macro concerns gather, our rules-based All Roads strategy adjusts, keeping stability, predictability and liquidity in mind.
Equity markets in 2025: the great reversal
cross assetconvertibles
cross assetconvertiblesAsia high convictionSwiss equitiesGFIOAsia Diversified High YieldAsia Investment gradeAsia value bondsSwiss Franc bondsAll Roadsequitiesfixed incomemulti-asset

Equity markets in 2025: the great reversal

The market shift to Europe from the US and to value from growth, amid an uncertain economic backdrop, underlines the value of active investing.