investment viewpoints

Finding adaptation solutions to climate risk

Finding adaptation solutions to climate risk
Paul Udall - Lead Portfolio Manager, Global Equities

Paul Udall

Lead Portfolio Manager, Global Equities
Peter Burke-Smith - Co-Portfolio Manager

Peter Burke-Smith

Co-Portfolio Manager

The soaring temperatures which hit Europe over the summer revealed the extent to which essential infrastructure is unprepared for a changing climate. The Q3 issue of Futureturns, our quarterly report on thematics and trends in equity markets, focuses on opportunities arising from the essential need for investment in adaptation efforts.


Need to know

  • The impact of heatwaves, drought and flooding on city infrastructure necessitates appropriate investment in climate-change adaptation projects
  • By 2030, the cost of adaptation is expected to reach USD 140-300 billion each year, and USD 280-500 bn by 2050, outstripping projected commitments
  • LOIM’s Climate Transition strategy filters the opportunity set for adaptation opportunities into three categories: resilience, risk monitoring and impact management


Investing in the adaptation imperative

Increasing resilience, monitoring risk and managing impact are our three areas of focus for investing in the theme of climate adaptation. This can include forward-thinking utilities companies, specialists in predictive analytics for natural hazards, and insurance providers helping to manage the risk of developing and deploying innovative technologies, construction methods and manufacturing processes fit for a carbon-damaged world.

To read the Q3 issue of Futureturns, click on the download button provided.


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