related strategy.

Markus ThönyHead of Swiss Fixed Income

Philipp Burckhardt, CFAFixed Income Strategist and Senior Portfolio Manager

Swiss Credit: think twice before changing strategy

Swiss credit: think twice before changing strategy

Higher interest rates in 2022 and unusual volatility over the past three years led some investors to seek more safety from bond portfolios while shying away from active management. We question the wisdom of those strategies, based on both a look in the rear-view mirror and future risk-return expectations.


Need to know

  • Higher interest rates in 2022, on top of unusual volatility over the past three years, led some investors to seek less credit risk and to favour more passive investment solutions. Both strategies may be misguided, in our view
  • We question why an investor would choose to avoid Swiss corporate bonds now, given that they are even more attractive than they were at the end of 2019 from a risk-return perspective
  • It is also worth stressing that a volatile market with performance setbacks is exactly the type of environment that offers the greatest opportunities for active solutions


Risk aversion

After interest rates rose significantly in 2022, the resurgence of the bond markets received a great deal of attention. Not only did private investors suddenly seem interested in bonds again, but existing institutional investors considered it sensible to rethink their CHF bond strategy due to the dramatic changes in the market.

Some investors concluded that they would take less credit risk in the future because they were now receiving attractive compensation for better quality. In addition, they often linked this change in strategy to a switch from active investment solutions to more passive ones. Both strategy changes should be critically questioned, in our view.

The last three years were marked by an unusual amount of volatility, as well as relatively large performance setbacks. There was the Covid crisis in spring 2020, followed by the start of the war in Ukraine two years later. Finally, in March 2023, a banking crisis led to the fall of Credit Suisse. These events, as well as rising fears of an imminent recession, may have contributed to heightened aversion to credit risks and a desire among some investors for more security in their bond portfolios.


Comparing returns

But what does more security actually mean? In the investment year 2022, investors lost about 17% with `risk-free’ Swiss Confederation bonds. CHF corporate bonds with an investment grade rating lost about 9% and thus also performed better than the SBI AAA-BBB Index, which lost just over 12%.

Even when the comparison is extended to the last three years, which have been very challenging from a credit risk perspective, the picture is similar. With a loss of 8.4%, CHF corporate bonds outperformed from the end of 2019 through March 2023.


FIG 1. Comparative performance of Swiss bonds

Swiss FI - Comparative perf-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


The better performance stems mainly from the fact that CHF corporate bonds carry less interest rate risk on average than the SBI AAA-BBB Index or the Swiss Confederation Index. Of course, corporate bonds in general suffered somewhat more from the widening credit spreads, but the smaller interest rate risks meant that the overall loss was the narrowest. It is worth reiterating that in a well-diversified CHF bond portfolio, return fluctuations are driven much more by interest rate risk than credit risk.

Given that the strategy with less credit risk and more security usually leads to higher interest rate risks, the supposedly safer portfolio usually shows greater volatility in returns. However, the greater volatility risk is not rewarded with an additional risk premium. Due to the lower compensation for credit risk and the currently flat interest rate structure (where additional maturity risks are not compensated), the SBI AAA-BBB Index’s current yield to maturity is almost 0.5% lower than that of the SBI Corporate Index. 

At the end of 2019, the advantage of corporate bonds was even smaller, at just over 0.2%. Therefore, why would an investor now choose to avoid holding corporate bonds for more safety if they did not choose to do so at the end of 2019? From a risk-return perspective, CHF corporate bonds are even more attractive today than they were then.


FIG 2. Comparison of yield to maturity

Swiss FI - Yield to maturity-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg. Yields are subject to change.


There is still the case to be made about longer duration, which is advantageous in the event of falling interest rates. However, with the yield curve currently flat and expected to steepen again if rates fall, the disadvantage of corporate bonds’ shorter duration is significantly lessened. In addition, the current higher compensation for credit risks with corporate bonds can compensate much more for the disadvantages of interest rate risks, especially with longer investment horizons.

If the quest for security relates less to volatility and more to default risk, it can be stated that the default risk for CHF bonds is still small despite the turbulence of the past three years and can be further minimised through a well-diversified credit portfolio.

Although the actively managed LO Funds (CH) – Swiss France Credit Bond suffered from the collapse in market liquidity during the pandemic, invested in Russian issuers and was affected by the fall of Credit Swiss, it still outperformed the SBI Corporate Index by approx. 0.5% in the period 30.12.2019-31.03.2023. Compared with the SBI AAA-BBB Index, it outperformed by almost 4%!1

Because the compensation for interest rate and, above all, credit risks is much higher again, investors currently have a much stronger protective cushion against market fluctuations. If, for example, one assumes a doubling of the current credit risk premiums, CHF corporate bonds already outperform the SBI AAA-BBB Index from an investment horizon of two years. For even longer investment horizons, the additional credit carry increasingly pays off.


FIG 3. Doubling of credit spreads. Scenario analysis over various investment horizons

Swiss FI - Inv horizon-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg and LOIM. For illustrative purposes only.


Based on both a look in the rear-view mirror and future risk-return expectations, we see no strategic reason to exit corporate bonds in the CHF capital market and buy more quality with the SBI AAA-BBB index – especially since such a change of strategy would also involve considerable transaction costs.

From a medium and long-term perspective, a well-diversified CHF corporate bond portfolio with a duration of around five years still has the best risk-return profile.


Ideal environment

A volatile market environment with performance setbacks and defaults usually leads to increased risk aversion and closer scrutiny of active investment solutions. There is nothing wrong with that.

However, it is worth remembering that these are exactly the types of environments that offer the greatest opportunities for active solutions. After all, active management only works over the long term if there are price distortions in the market.

The CHF capital market has always inspired searches for opportunities due to its comparatively poor liquidity, but the choice is even greater in the current market environment. Of course, not every opportunity can be successfully exploited, but at least one of the necessary conditions for active investment solutions is met.

Success also relies on a sound and disciplined credit selection process and, above all, the necessary investment horizon. One reason why active investment solutions are often perceived to underperform passive ones is that the former can involve changing strategy at inopportune times. However, hastily changing strategy and realising losses can mean missing the chance to profit from the subsequent recovery.

The last three years have shown that holding onto credit risk based on a sound fundamental credit analysis – combined with an ongoing active search for new investment opportunities – provides a basis for participating in a recovery and ultimately even generating added value. 


Active investment solutions pay off

Of course, financial markets do not always recover at the same pace. A common understanding of the investment process, trust in the investment team and the necessary investment horizon are important. Providers of active investment solutions must always balance conflicting objectives: they need to take active risks, but they also need to avoid large performance setbacks that can suddenly make the investment horizon become very short.

All these requirements mean little without the right performance, however. The LO Funds (CH) - Swiss Franc Credit Bond has significantly outperformed both the Corporate Index and the SBI AAA-BBB during the difficult last three years, as well as over the last 10 years. Compared with the SBI AAA-BBB index, for example, the fund has generated about 1% more return per year, with a comparable return volatility of about 4%.

Isn't that proof enough that active management can indeed work and generate the promised added value?



[1] Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


important information.

This document is issued by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA, a Swiss based management company, having its registered office at 6, av. des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy, authorized and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This document is approved at the date of the publishing.
Lombard Odier Investment Managers (“LOIM”) is a trade name.
The fund mentioned in this document (hereinafter the “Fund”) is a Swiss contractual fund. The Fund is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA ("FINMA") as another fund for traditional investments within the meaning of the Collective Investment Scheme Act of 23 June, 2006, as amended. The management company of the Fund is Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA (hereinafter the “Management Company”), a Swiss based public limited company (SA), having its registered office at 6, av. des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy, authorized and regulated by the FINMA.  The Fund will not be, nor will its shares be, registered for public offering in any jurisdiction. This document is not a recommendation to subscribe to and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation or an offer to buy the Fund’s shares nor shall there be any sale of the Fund’s shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. Consequently, the offering of the Fund’s shares may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. Neither this document nor any part of it shall form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract to purchase or subscription for the Fund’s shares. Any such acquisition may only be made on the basis of the official documents of the Fund each in their final form. The prospectus and fund contract, the Key Investor Information Document, and the most recent annual and semi-annual reports are the only official offering documents of the Fund’s shares (the “Offering Documents”). They are available on or can be requested free of charge at the registered office of the Fund or of the Management Company, or from the distributors of the Fund. Any person who is in any doubt about the investment to which this document relates should consult an Authorised Person specialising in advising on investments of this kind. An investment in the Fund is not suitable for all investors. Making an investment in a Fund is speculative. There can be no assurance that the Fund's investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital. Past or estimated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no assurance can be made that profits will be achieved or that substantial losses will not be incurred.  This document does not contain personalized recommendations or advice and is not intended to substitute any professional advice on investment in financial products. Before making an investment in the Fund, an investor should read the entire Offering Documents, and in particular the risk factors pertaining to an investment in the Fund, consider carefully the suitability of such investment to his/her particular circumstances and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences.  This document is the property of LOIM and is addressed to its recipient exclusively for their personal use. It may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of LOIM. It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful. The contents of this document are intended for persons who are sophisticated investment professionals and who are either authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets or persons who have been vetted by LOIM  as having the expertise, experience and knowledge of the investment matters set out in this document and in respect of whom LOIM has received an assurance that they are capable of making their own investment decisions and understanding the risks involved in making investments of the type included in this document or other persons that LOIM has expressly confirmed as being appropriate recipients of this document. If you are not a person falling within the above categories you are kindly asked to either return this document to LOIM or to destroy it and are expressly warned that you must not rely upon its contents or have regard to any of the matters set out in this document in relation to investment matters and must not transmit this document to any other person. This document contains the opinions of LOIM, as at the date of issue. The information and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable. However, LOIM does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information contained in this document, nor does it accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from its use. All information and opinions as well as the prices indicated may change without notice. Neither this document nor any copy thereof may be sent, taken into, or distributed in the United States of America, any of its territories or possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to or for the benefit of a United States Person. For this purpose, the term "United States Person" shall mean any citizen, national or resident of the United States of America, partnership organized or existing in any state, territory or possession of the United States of America, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any state, territory or possession thereof, or any estate or trust that is subject to United States Federal income tax regardless of the source of its income.
Although certain information has been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable, without independent verification, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or the completeness of all information available from public sources.
Views and opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation by LOIM to buy, sell or hold any security. Views and opinions are current as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change. They should not be construed as investment advice.
No part of this material may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means, or (ii) distributed to any person that is not an employee, officer, director, or authorised agent of the recipient, without Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA prior consent. In Switzerland, this material is a financial promotion and has been approved by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA which is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
©2023 Lombard Odier IM. All rights reserved

related strategy.

Markus ThönyHead of Swiss Fixed Income

Philipp Burckhardt, CFAFixed Income Strategist and Senior Portfolio Manager

Swiss Credit: think twice before changing strategy

Swiss credit: think twice before changing strategy

Higher interest rates in 2022 and unusual volatility over the past three years led some investors to seek more safety from bond portfolios while shying away from active management. We question the wisdom of those strategies, based on both a look in the rear-view mirror and future risk-return expectations.


Need to know

  • Higher interest rates in 2022, on top of unusual volatility over the past three years, led some investors to seek less credit risk and to favour more passive investment solutions. Both strategies may be misguided, in our view
  • We question why an investor would choose to avoid Swiss corporate bonds now, given that they are even more attractive than they were at the end of 2019 from a risk-return perspective
  • It is also worth stressing that a volatile market with performance setbacks is exactly the type of environment that offers the greatest opportunities for active solutions


Risk aversion

After interest rates rose significantly in 2022, the resurgence of the bond markets received a great deal of attention. Not only did private investors suddenly seem interested in bonds again, but existing institutional investors considered it sensible to rethink their CHF bond strategy due to the dramatic changes in the market.

Some investors concluded that they would take less credit risk in the future because they were now receiving attractive compensation for better quality. In addition, they often linked this change in strategy to a switch from active investment solutions to more passive ones. Both strategy changes should be critically questioned, in our view.

The last three years were marked by an unusual amount of volatility, as well as relatively large performance setbacks. There was the Covid crisis in spring 2020, followed by the start of the war in Ukraine two years later. Finally, in March 2023, a banking crisis led to the fall of Credit Suisse. These events, as well as rising fears of an imminent recession, may have contributed to heightened aversion to credit risks and a desire among some investors for more security in their bond portfolios.


Comparing returns

But what does more security actually mean? In the investment year 2022, investors lost about 17% with `risk-free’ Swiss Confederation bonds. CHF corporate bonds with an investment grade rating lost about 9% and thus also performed better than the SBI AAA-BBB Index, which lost just over 12%.

Even when the comparison is extended to the last three years, which have been very challenging from a credit risk perspective, the picture is similar. With a loss of 8.4%, CHF corporate bonds outperformed from the end of 2019 through March 2023.


FIG 1. Comparative performance of Swiss bonds

Swiss FI - Comparative perf-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


The better performance stems mainly from the fact that CHF corporate bonds carry less interest rate risk on average than the SBI AAA-BBB Index or the Swiss Confederation Index. Of course, corporate bonds in general suffered somewhat more from the widening credit spreads, but the smaller interest rate risks meant that the overall loss was the narrowest. It is worth reiterating that in a well-diversified CHF bond portfolio, return fluctuations are driven much more by interest rate risk than credit risk.

Given that the strategy with less credit risk and more security usually leads to higher interest rate risks, the supposedly safer portfolio usually shows greater volatility in returns. However, the greater volatility risk is not rewarded with an additional risk premium. Due to the lower compensation for credit risk and the currently flat interest rate structure (where additional maturity risks are not compensated), the SBI AAA-BBB Index’s current yield to maturity is almost 0.5% lower than that of the SBI Corporate Index. 

At the end of 2019, the advantage of corporate bonds was even smaller, at just over 0.2%. Therefore, why would an investor now choose to avoid holding corporate bonds for more safety if they did not choose to do so at the end of 2019? From a risk-return perspective, CHF corporate bonds are even more attractive today than they were then.


FIG 2. Comparison of yield to maturity

Swiss FI - Yield to maturity-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg. Yields are subject to change.


There is still the case to be made about longer duration, which is advantageous in the event of falling interest rates. However, with the yield curve currently flat and expected to steepen again if rates fall, the disadvantage of corporate bonds’ shorter duration is significantly lessened. In addition, the current higher compensation for credit risks with corporate bonds can compensate much more for the disadvantages of interest rate risks, especially with longer investment horizons.

If the quest for security relates less to volatility and more to default risk, it can be stated that the default risk for CHF bonds is still small despite the turbulence of the past three years and can be further minimised through a well-diversified credit portfolio.

Although the actively managed LO Funds (CH) – Swiss France Credit Bond suffered from the collapse in market liquidity during the pandemic, invested in Russian issuers and was affected by the fall of Credit Swiss, it still outperformed the SBI Corporate Index by approx. 0.5% in the period 30.12.2019-31.03.2023. Compared with the SBI AAA-BBB Index, it outperformed by almost 4%!1

Because the compensation for interest rate and, above all, credit risks is much higher again, investors currently have a much stronger protective cushion against market fluctuations. If, for example, one assumes a doubling of the current credit risk premiums, CHF corporate bonds already outperform the SBI AAA-BBB Index from an investment horizon of two years. For even longer investment horizons, the additional credit carry increasingly pays off.


FIG 3. Doubling of credit spreads. Scenario analysis over various investment horizons

Swiss FI - Inv horizon-01.svg

Source: Bloomberg and LOIM. For illustrative purposes only.


Based on both a look in the rear-view mirror and future risk-return expectations, we see no strategic reason to exit corporate bonds in the CHF capital market and buy more quality with the SBI AAA-BBB index – especially since such a change of strategy would also involve considerable transaction costs.

From a medium and long-term perspective, a well-diversified CHF corporate bond portfolio with a duration of around five years still has the best risk-return profile.


Ideal environment

A volatile market environment with performance setbacks and defaults usually leads to increased risk aversion and closer scrutiny of active investment solutions. There is nothing wrong with that.

However, it is worth remembering that these are exactly the types of environments that offer the greatest opportunities for active solutions. After all, active management only works over the long term if there are price distortions in the market.

The CHF capital market has always inspired searches for opportunities due to its comparatively poor liquidity, but the choice is even greater in the current market environment. Of course, not every opportunity can be successfully exploited, but at least one of the necessary conditions for active investment solutions is met.

Success also relies on a sound and disciplined credit selection process and, above all, the necessary investment horizon. One reason why active investment solutions are often perceived to underperform passive ones is that the former can involve changing strategy at inopportune times. However, hastily changing strategy and realising losses can mean missing the chance to profit from the subsequent recovery.

The last three years have shown that holding onto credit risk based on a sound fundamental credit analysis – combined with an ongoing active search for new investment opportunities – provides a basis for participating in a recovery and ultimately even generating added value. 


Active investment solutions pay off

Of course, financial markets do not always recover at the same pace. A common understanding of the investment process, trust in the investment team and the necessary investment horizon are important. Providers of active investment solutions must always balance conflicting objectives: they need to take active risks, but they also need to avoid large performance setbacks that can suddenly make the investment horizon become very short.

All these requirements mean little without the right performance, however. The LO Funds (CH) - Swiss Franc Credit Bond has significantly outperformed both the Corporate Index and the SBI AAA-BBB during the difficult last three years, as well as over the last 10 years. Compared with the SBI AAA-BBB index, for example, the fund has generated about 1% more return per year, with a comparable return volatility of about 4%.

Isn't that proof enough that active management can indeed work and generate the promised added value?



[1] Past performance is not a guarantee of future results.


important information.

This document is issued by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA, a Swiss based management company, having its registered office at 6, av. des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy, authorized and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). This document is approved at the date of the publishing.
Lombard Odier Investment Managers (“LOIM”) is a trade name.
The fund mentioned in this document (hereinafter the “Fund”) is a Swiss contractual fund. The Fund is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA ("FINMA") as another fund for traditional investments within the meaning of the Collective Investment Scheme Act of 23 June, 2006, as amended. The management company of the Fund is Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA (hereinafter the “Management Company”), a Swiss based public limited company (SA), having its registered office at 6, av. des Morgines, 1213 Petit-Lancy, authorized and regulated by the FINMA.  The Fund will not be, nor will its shares be, registered for public offering in any jurisdiction. This document is not a recommendation to subscribe to and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation or an offer to buy the Fund’s shares nor shall there be any sale of the Fund’s shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. Consequently, the offering of the Fund’s shares may be restricted in certain jurisdictions. Neither this document nor any part of it shall form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract to purchase or subscription for the Fund’s shares. Any such acquisition may only be made on the basis of the official documents of the Fund each in their final form. The prospectus and fund contract, the Key Investor Information Document, and the most recent annual and semi-annual reports are the only official offering documents of the Fund’s shares (the “Offering Documents”). They are available on or can be requested free of charge at the registered office of the Fund or of the Management Company, or from the distributors of the Fund. Any person who is in any doubt about the investment to which this document relates should consult an Authorised Person specialising in advising on investments of this kind. An investment in the Fund is not suitable for all investors. Making an investment in a Fund is speculative. There can be no assurance that the Fund's investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital. Past or estimated performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no assurance can be made that profits will be achieved or that substantial losses will not be incurred.  This document does not contain personalized recommendations or advice and is not intended to substitute any professional advice on investment in financial products. Before making an investment in the Fund, an investor should read the entire Offering Documents, and in particular the risk factors pertaining to an investment in the Fund, consider carefully the suitability of such investment to his/her particular circumstances and, where necessary, obtain independent professional advice in respect of risks, as well as any legal, regulatory, credit, tax, and accounting consequences.  This document is the property of LOIM and is addressed to its recipient exclusively for their personal use. It may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any other purpose without the prior written permission of LOIM. It is not intended for distribution, publication, or use in any jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, or use would be unlawful. The contents of this document are intended for persons who are sophisticated investment professionals and who are either authorised or regulated to operate in the financial markets or persons who have been vetted by LOIM  as having the expertise, experience and knowledge of the investment matters set out in this document and in respect of whom LOIM has received an assurance that they are capable of making their own investment decisions and understanding the risks involved in making investments of the type included in this document or other persons that LOIM has expressly confirmed as being appropriate recipients of this document. If you are not a person falling within the above categories you are kindly asked to either return this document to LOIM or to destroy it and are expressly warned that you must not rely upon its contents or have regard to any of the matters set out in this document in relation to investment matters and must not transmit this document to any other person. This document contains the opinions of LOIM, as at the date of issue. The information and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable. However, LOIM does not guarantee the timeliness, accuracy, or completeness of the information contained in this document, nor does it accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from its use. All information and opinions as well as the prices indicated may change without notice. Neither this document nor any copy thereof may be sent, taken into, or distributed in the United States of America, any of its territories or possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction, or to or for the benefit of a United States Person. For this purpose, the term "United States Person" shall mean any citizen, national or resident of the United States of America, partnership organized or existing in any state, territory or possession of the United States of America, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States or of any state, territory or possession thereof, or any estate or trust that is subject to United States Federal income tax regardless of the source of its income.
Although certain information has been obtained from public sources believed to be reliable, without independent verification, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or the completeness of all information available from public sources.
Views and opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation by LOIM to buy, sell or hold any security. Views and opinions are current as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change. They should not be construed as investment advice.
No part of this material may be (i) copied, photocopied or duplicated in any form, by any means, or (ii) distributed to any person that is not an employee, officer, director, or authorised agent of the recipient, without Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA prior consent. In Switzerland, this material is a financial promotion and has been approved by Lombard Odier Asset Management (Switzerland) SA which is authorised and regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
©2023 Lombard Odier IM. All rights reserved