investment viewpoints

A better approach to sustainability?

A better approach to sustainability?

Sustainability is driving an economic revolution and we believe it is stands to be the largest investment opportunity in modern history. 

A number of significant long-term structural trends are already starting to transform our economies. Companies have always had to adapt to new realities but the pressure to move towards a more sustainable model is unprecedented, and accelerating. Those that cannot adjust will disappear.

Today, there is nowhere to hide from this revolution.

We have identified five global megatrends that are already having a material effect on the environment in which companies operate. These are demographics, scarcity of natural resources, climate change, inequality, and the digital revolution.

The impact of these changes are real and organizations unable to adapt have already suffered. However, these trends also represent opportunities, for companies and investors. Our three pillar approach has been designed to help us determine whether a company is likely to capture the opportunities the transition presents, and avoid the pitfalls.

Today, there is nowhere to hide from this revolution. We have to start looking at how sustainability factors affect risk, performance and returns. When the conversation moves in this direction, the investment world tends to react in a much more meaningful way.

Sustainability is not a threat to the future of our economy. We believe it is the future of our economy.

Read more on Bloomberg.

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